Now in Alliance with Energy Inspection Services


Our energy service group provides a wide range of services in the Oil and Gas sector but not limited to energy. We also offer sand blasting for residential customers.  Our inspection team is certified to do visual inspections and ultrasonic testing in-house. We offer complete tear down and rebuilds of all Frac Iron, UT and inspect sand traps and vessels.

Other services:

  • Sand blasting and painting
  • Manual, pneumatic and hydraulic operator repairs
  • Gate valve repair and flushing
  • Pressure washing and painting

If not listed please do not hesitate to call we probably offer the service!

Give us a call today.


Steve HeifnerSteve Heifner

Steve has been involved in the Grand Valley for over 15 years and made Fruita a permanent home in June of 2007, moving here with his wife, two sons and daughter. He graduated high school from Odessa High and attended Texas Tech University. His love for hunting, fishing, and the outdoors are some of the main contributing factors that drew him to Grand Junction. Steve has 39 years in the Oil & Gas industry from manufacturing to field service and marketing, with 21 years in the Rockies. Steve believes that separating Bulldog Energy Service Inc. in 2016 was the right choice for his customers career and family. He feels his greatest accomplishment is the relationship building, both new and old, through Bulldog Energy Service and the surrounding community members.